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Pop Rock Guitar Apple Loops Sample Pack Sample Pack

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Inner Rhythm Studios

Pop Rock Guitar Apple Loops Sample Pack

Inner Rhythm Studios presents 'Pop Rock Guitar Apple Loops Sample Pack', a collection of over 4 GB of guitar loops for Garageband and Logic 7-8.

Our price $65.29 USD

£49.96 GBP

Download Details

  • 4.03GB (Unzipped)
  • 5 min 39 sec @ 85Mbps
  • 2090 files / Royalty-Free

Product Information

Inner Rhythm Studios presents 'Pop Rock Guitar Apple Loops Sample Pack', a collection of over 4 GB of guitar loops for Garageband and Logic 7-8.


Introducing Inner Rhythm Studios new release 'Pop Rock Guitar Apple Loops Sample Pack' for Garageband and Logic 7-8 music production software. This all new collection boasts over 4 Gigabytes of guitar loops. Music Loops included in this collection are formatted to change key and BPM. All loops will be visible in the Garageband or Logic loop browser. 

About the sample songs:

Please be advised that the sample songs are possible ways to combine, connect, or otherwise arrange the loops found in this collection into a musical composition. The sample songs themselves are not found within this library as a fully assembled whole.

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