EQ Mag, 2007-07-01
Electro ID
by EQ Mag
EQ Mag, 2007-07-01
Electro ID
EQ Magazine, July 2007
Over the past few years, sample libraries have become inscreasingly wedded to
virtual plug-in/stand-alone snstruments. No longer do library developers have to be
concerned about being compatible with a particular sampler format; all they need is
something tat wrks with most, or all, major plug-in formats (VSTi, AU, RTAS, DXi).
Ueberschall's Electro ID, for their Elastik virtual instrument platform, contains 100
constructionkits of German underground electro music, verging on techno and
hardcore. The typical kit includes drum loops, bass, synth, various effects, and
they're smokin': This is the real deal. But you can't really consider the sounds with
the instrument, so let's do go there. (By the way, Ueberschall has multiple products
that use the Elastik engine - not just Electro ID.)
I found Elastick confusing at first, and that kept me from getting deeper into it. My
mistake; once I realized this was an instrument more than a loop library, everything
fell into place and I started having a major blast. If you want an instant electro
construction kit where you can do a whole lot more than with simple static loops,
consider making the stretch to get Elastik.
Computer Music, 2007-06-01
Electro ID
by Computer Music
Computer Music, 2007-06-01
Electro ID
Computer Music, June 2007
Electro ID covers all the major 4/4, techy styles (from Detroit techno to banging
electro house).
It offers plenty of big synth leads, basslines, percussion tracks and atmospheric FX,
the majority of which are of good quality and fit the prevailing mood.
there's no denying that the Elastik engine makes it extremely easy to use the
sounds as prescribed. As such, Electro ID is absolutely ideal for quick and dirty
soundtrack work.
Beat, 2007-03-01
Electro ID
by Beat
Beat, 2007-03-01
Electro ID
Beat, March 2007
Another new publication from the German manufacturer ueberschall continues electronically. "Electro ID" holds what the name promises: Drum Loops, Patterns, crackled Synths and Basslines as well as Soundeffects for styles like Electro, Tech-House, Hard-Core and Schranz. On it goes, experimenting is the slogan.
Also this compilation is delivered with the Elastik-Loop-Player, giving the possibility of a good structured administration and pre-hearing within a nice and clearly organized surface - Timestretching, Pitchshifting and MIDI-allocation inclusive. The plug-in works under Mac OS X and Windows.
Music & PC, 2007-02-01
Electro ID...
by Music & PC
Music & PC, 2007-02-01
Electro ID
PC & Musik, 02-2007
Basics: „German Unerground“ promises the cover - and does not talk about the tube from Düsseldorf which is unbeatable in boredom and melancholy. But that‘s not what this is about. Here we have a wild and varied electronic-sound. „Feel the impact“ is the subtitle and it‘s really going to be rough.
Sounds: (...)
Names like „Knarre“, „Counterstrike“, „Bullshit“, „Rappelzappel“ or „Schranzkraft“ tell you that they don‘t take any musical prisoners and don‘t carea about any tonal rules. This doesn‘t mean that everything is loud and noisy, next to sounds like Anthony Rother we find a little „Earth Nation“ and Trance. Very useful and very suitable to other styles, too. I mixed it for example with sounds from Dancehall and received some interesting results.
Conclusion: I already talked about the pros of the Elastik-Interface. This time it invites for hours of playing and experimenting with the sounds. The title „German Underground“ may scare away some of those who are more mainstream orientated but I still want to advise this library warmly to everybody - it has a huge bandwidth of use and is excellent produced.
Translated by Wenzel Mehnert / Ueberschall